Fund the Raccoon Platoon

Share your enthusiasm for healing the planet by building the soil! The Raccoon Platoon is fully committed to saving all of earth’s creatures. The only viable solution to the worlds largest problem is to encourage regenerative soil building agricultural techniques. We blend aspects of composting, vermiculture, hügelkultur, KNF,JADAM, animal husbandry, and polyculture planting. These techniques, powerful in their own right, combined with companion planting, electro/magneto culture and other aspects of permaculture create a super accelerated system cultivating extreme levels of soil biology. This biology spreads exponentially to other soils, plants, animals, and ultimately our gut biomes. Once this system closes its exponential loop, it perpetuates healing like ripples in a pond. We are constantly bombarded by news of environmental catastrophe, this regenerative system can heal any damage done by chemical, radiological, bacterial, viral, soil depletion, and erosion. Knowledge of this system brings hope, it empowers earth’s people to steward and restore the planet 1000 times faster than what was known to be possible before. Help us spread this knowledge throughout the Peak to Peak and beyond🌎 Join the Raccoon Platoon today!!!

March of the Trash Pandas